Sire Elrick

Politics. Rants. Rhetoric. Watch for mudslinging.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

here they go again - spin the top

Even the press is at it. I thought they'd finally figured out that 9/11 had nothing to do with Iraq. I look at a headline for Cheney and Rice, and what they talk about on the eve of the 5th anniversary of one of the biggest pieces of American war-fronts for the last... oh, say more than hundred fifty years, and what do they talk about. An unrelated foreign event. I don't give a monkey's shillaly about Iraq on 9/11.
They might argue the point of Terrorism. Iraq is a pre-emptive war - you know, that's not the whole story they started with. Originally, they have the part about WMD. Couldn't find them, so it became about the potential to produce this stuff. Then it became a liberating event - change the regime. Who cares if it goes against the Geneva convention to over-throw someone else's government to put in your own (which is what happens with our interim presidents, just remember Iran, or even more recently Afghanistan) we are a country that promotes democracy! We just forget the only way to get a lasting democracy is from the people, not put upon the people.
They had no exit strategy. They just wanted in. For any sort of reason - maybe it could have possibly been because of the faulty information on WMD, or because of a vendetta against Saddam, or it could have been for the oil. Heck, we stayed in Saudi Arabia, not too far of a hop skip and a jump away, so maybe it was just a war of convenience. We want to make sure that the west wins out in the Middle East. Doesn't matter that they hate us for imposing our culture, now we just added a little umph with the military presence. Not to mention made it easier for civil wars to break out in Iraq and Lebanon - and make people from that area hate us even more for the ideological divide in Islam that promotes war on Israel - the only country which we back over there, 100%.
Actually, you could go so far as to say that 9/11 is connected with Iraq - in a backwards way; because of our culture, and connections with Israel, and our incompetent presence in that area, we invited 9/11. Doesn't matter that five years later we still haven't caught the "bad guy" who master minded/funded the whole bid, and we cant' keep Afghanistan stable much less put enough people in Iraq to get by. We just know that this whole terrorism thing is a big plot against the US because we're peace loving people.


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